Joel Weintraub's Thoughts on the first educational exchange:
In 1984 to 1985 I came to West Tisbury School as the upper level math and science teacher. I replaced Mr. Pat Gregory and Mr. Karl Riley. I am often cited as organizing the first trip out of the country by an island elementary school. Mr. Pat Gregory deserves the honor since he took the West Tisbury students to Montreal Canada. Mr. Gregory was later a chaperone on the 2nd educational visit to England.
During that year 1984 to 1985 a deputy headmaster (Mr. Jim Wilkes) from my former school in Rochdale, England was invited to coordinate the eighth grade play with the 7th and 8th grade classes. His production of “Lord of Flies” with our students may still be remembered since they became parents of many our students who attend West Tisbury School and participate in the exchange to the UK.
In the spring of 1985 I was asked to help chaperone the 8th grade trip to Washington DC. After after the 8th grade went to their rooms in the hotel in Washington DC., I had a late night coffee with Mr. Richard Goodell (the leader of the trip and guidance counselor). I suggested that next year I want to bring the 8thgrade to England on an exchange. I thought that if we can make the airfare for each student the cost of the trip would be cheaper than a trip Washington DC. He thought I was crazy but a possible dream. I put some ads in the “Times Educational Supplement” in England asking for a host school. We settled on Cheadle Hulme Grammar School in Cheshire England.
The West Tisbury community was supportive and excellent in fund raisers for the entire school year from 1985 to 1986 for the project. Manny Estrella (the present fire chief) and the West Tisbury Fire Department, donated the total proceeds from the annual Halloween haunted house event at the agricultural hall to the 8th grade trip to England. Sharon Estrella organized bingo games, bake sales, and car washes at WTS to support the project. Merrily and Frank Fenner from Chilmark organized adult only dances at the Chilmark community Center and the PA club to support this educational exchange. The owners of the Hot Tin Roof donated their establishment for children only dances. Without these community events and many unmentioned people involved the trip would never have been achieved.
In the spring of 1986 the 8th grade (17 students in all) left for England with much fanfare. Who thought it was possible. Photos appeared in the local papers since such an event and project was unheard of by an elementary school
On the first trip the staff members Mr. J. Weintraub, Mr. R. Goodell, Ms. P. Kelly and two parents Ms. Lynn Silva, and Ms. V. Nelson. The deputy headmaster, Mr. J. Wilkes who coordinated the upper level play (a year earlier)) appeared to greet the students and adults in England.
The rest is history. Many students and parents have gone back to visit with their exchange families over the past thirty years. Well over a thousand students from both West Tisbury School and schools in the North of England have participated in this educational exchange started over a late night cup of coffee 31 years ago in Washington DC.
Without community support and the hard work of many parents and staff members of the West Tisbury School, an exchange of this magnitude could not be possible. A real thank you is required for the hard work of the community of parents, staff members, and students over the past 31 years who gave support to the dream that people thought was impossible.
J. Weintraub