• school nurse

    Important School Health Office Information 2024-2025

    Physical Exams/Required Immunizations:

    School-aged children are required to receive a physical exam yearly through age 5, then every 1-3 years thereafter. When your child has a physical exam, please make sure that the MD sends an updated copy to the school nurse.

    Middle school students who wish to participate in school sports MUST have a sports physical YEARLY in order to be eligible to participate in school sports. Student athletes and their families are also required to read and sign a concussion information "pre-sports participation" form. These forms will be distributed by coaches at the start of the sports season. If your child plays a school sport all three seasons, you will have to fill out the form at the start of each season. 

    Students are also required to have all state-mandated vaccinations before entering kindergarten, and before starting 7th grade. 

    In-School Health Screenings:
    School nurses are mandated to perform various health screenings throughout the school year. Screenings include: vision, hearing, BMI, posture, and SBIRT in 7th grade (substance use screening).

    If you would like to opt your child out of any school-based health screening, you must put your request in writing. Please email me separately to let me know. 

    Wellness Policy:
    Our school Wellness Policy was updated last year. The new policy has specific language about food in the classroom. It is important for students and families to know that food and beverages should not be shared among students. We are also discouraging food-based celebrations in classrooms. Please make sure students come to school with a water bottle. Fruit is available to students throughout the day. 

    Last year we hosted a successful Walk, Bike, Roll event here at WTS, and the year before we held a school Wellness Week in June. We are hoping to host more in-school Wellness events for our students and staff this year. Please keep an eye on our school calendar and Friday Flyers for more information. 

    Please do not send your child to school when they are sick. If your child is recovering from any illness, they must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before they can return to school. 

    Students should not come to school if they have had diarrhea or been vomiting in the past 24 hours. They should also be able to eat and drink normally before they return. 

    If your child is prescribed antibiotics for an illness, they must have been on the antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school. 

    If your child is recovering from any type of illness, they must feel well enough to attend school before they return. 

    Please make sure that your child wears appropriate footwear to school. Students must wear or bring sneakers on gym days, but students should also wear sneakers at recess. Many recess activities are just like gym, and students enjoy playing soccer, football, or just running around with their friends. Students will not be allowed to participate in certain recess activities if they are wearing unsafe footwear (crocs, slides, etc.)

    Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns, or if there has been a change in your child's health. 

